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YZS Four Girder Casting Bridge Crane

Casting bridge cranes are the main lifting and transportation equipment in the smelting workshop of steel mills. They are used for the liquid metal transfer, pouring, and hot metal mixing during the smelting process. Below 125t is generally a YZ type double beam structure. Above 125t is generally YZS type four-beam structure. YZS type adopts main and auxiliary double trolleys, four-beam and four-track structures, mainly composed of bridge frame, main trolley, auxiliary trolley, hook beam, crane operation, and electrical parts. The main trolley runs on the main girder track outside the bridge frame, and the auxiliary trolley is on the bridge frame. The inner side auxiliary beam runs on the track, and the main trolley pick-up device is a hook beam with fixed spacing.

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YZS type adopts main and auxiliary double trolleys, four-beam and four-track structures, mainly composed of bridge frame, main trolley, auxiliary trolley, hook beam, crane operation and electrical parts. The main trolley runs on the main beam track outside the bridge frame, and the auxiliary trolley is on the bridge frame. The inner side auxiliary beam runs on the track. The main trolley pick-up device is a hook beam with a fixed spacing for lifting and transporting ladle. The sub-trolley runs under the main trolley, and the pick-up device is a hook to cooperate with the main hook. To dump molten steel, steel slag, and other auxiliary lifting operations.

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The YZ type cast bridge crane adopts a double beam single trolley structure, which is mainly composed of bridge frame, trolley, hook beam, trolley operation and electrical parts. The main hook and fetch device is a hook beam with a fixed spacing, which is used to lift the ladle. , The auxiliary hook is used to cooperate with the main hook to dump molten steel, steel slag and other auxiliary lifting operations.

The operating mechanism of the cart and the main electrical equipment are installed in the main beam, and the air cooler is installed in the electrical room of the main beam. In order to reduce the thermal radiation of the molten steel to the metal structural parts, a heat insulation board is arranged along the span direction at the bottom of the main beam.
The cart running mechanism adopts a four-corner drive.
The crane is equipped with a special electronic scale, and there are obvious display devices in the driver’s room and on the bridge frame.

1. mechanical part
The crane is of four-beam and four-track type, and the main end beams are connected by high-strength bolts; it is mainly composed of bridge frame, main and auxiliary trolley, cart operating mechanism, driver’s cab device, lubrication system, electrical control system, etc.

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1.1 Trolley:

1.1.1 Lifting of the main trolley:
The main trolley hoisting mechanism is composed of two electric motors, two floating shafts, two reducers with ratchets and pawls, four hydraulic single-push rod brakes, drum set, steel wire rope, gantry hook set, fixed pulley set, etc.
A. In addition to meeting the heating and overload requirements of the lifting motor, considering the special working conditions of the casting crane, the total power of the motor meets the requirement of 1.54 times the static power to ensure that when one motor fails, the other motor can work for a short time. , Complete a work cycle.
B. The main hoist reducer uses a special hard gear reducer for casting cranes: the reducer adopts a welded shell. Its performance is better than the nationally promoted medium-hard gear reducer for cranes. It is specially designed and manufactured for casting cranes.
c. The speed control device and the reel are connected by a reel coupling. Each lifting mechanism adopts two independently wound steel wire ropes, which can ensure that the two steel wire ropes on the diagonal or the diagonal line can still be broken. Place the ladle safely on the ground. The wire rope adopts left and right mutual twisting, line contact high-quality steel core wire rope, and the safety factors are strictly implemented in accordance with the “Crane Design Specification”.
D. There is a sensor under the fixed pulley of the main hoisting mechanism, and an alarm device is installed in the driver’s cabin to ensure that the alarm is overloaded. When the weight is 90% of the load, it will alarm, and the power will be forcibly cut off when the weight is 1.05 times.
1.1.2 Lifting of auxiliary trolley:
The auxiliary trolley lifting is composed of an electric motor, hydraulic push rod brake, floating shaft, hard gear reducer, reel group, hook group, fixed pulley group, etc.
1.1.3 Trolley operation
A. The main trolley is driven separately and consists of electric motors, couplings, hydraulic push rod brakes, hard-tooth vertical reducers, moving wheels, passive wheels, etc. The wheel adopts a double-rim structure.
B. The auxiliary trolley is driven by a centralized drive, which is composed of an electric motor, a coupling, a hydraulic single-push rod brake, a transmission shaft, a reducer, an active wheel group, and a passive wheel group. The wheel adopts a double-rim structure.
1.1.4 Lifting beam:
The pulley on the lifting beam is placed by a fully enclosed protective cover, and the lower part of the beam and the ladle are insulated to improve the working environment of the beam. The hook adopts a lamination hook, which is CNC-cut and formed without stress concentration. , Small rounded corners, etc., the overall appearance is beautiful. The main component material of the gantry hook group is 16Mn.

1.2 Trolley operating mechanism:

A. The driving mode of the cart operating mechanism adopts twelve-wheel drive (YZ100/32t adopts eight-wheel drive). It is composed of an electric motor, hydraulic push rod brake, Cardan shaft, hardened gear reducer, wheel set, etc.
B. The wheel has a double-rim structure.
C. The trolley buffer adopts sleeve spring buffer

1.3 Bridge structure:

The bridge frame is divided into the main beam, auxiliary main beam, and end beam. The main beam adopts a wide off-track box beam, which has good vertical and horizontal rigidity, and the material is made of 16Mn steel. In order to avoid fatigue damage to the main beam caused by concentrated wheel pressure, T-shaped steel is used under the track to greatly increase the life of the main beam. The compression zone of the main beam has two longitudinal reinforcements. The end beam is also a box beam structure. The main beam, the sub-main beam, and the end beam are connected by high-strength bolts. The cart operating mechanism and main electronic control equipment is installed in the main beam, with a compact overall structure and beautiful appearance. The drive shaft of the cart operating mechanism is connected by a cross-shaft universal coupling. The trolley rail adopts a welded joint integral track. The secondary main beam adopts the normal track box beam. Add walking platform and protective railing outside the beam. The end beam is a box-shaped structure. The auxiliary main beam and the end beam adopt the foreign four-beam connection structure, which reduces the number of end beam sections and improves the end beam’s energy. The trolley rail adopts welded joints and integral rails, which greatly reduces the impact generated during the operation of the trolley. The lower part of the main beam is equipped with a heat insulation device. In order to make the electric control equipment work in a suitable environment, the four walls of the electric room of the main beam are sealed with a heat insulation layer and a special axial flow fan for metallurgical occasions is installed in the room to ensure that the crane is in operation. Run in a good environment to improve the performance of the whole machine.

1.4 Centralized lubrication system:

It is equipped with a centralized lubrication system for the workload of Xianqing and Leap-slippery. It is arranged in pieces on the cart, main trolley, and auxiliary trolley.

1.5 Driver’s cab:

The driver’s cab adopts a double-walled enclosed and heat-insulated type, with good visibility, and a layer of the anti-radiation panel under the bottom. The windows are sliding windows to wipe dust, equipped with tempered glass; a control mechanism linkage table is built-in, which is convenient for operation and comfortable; Air conditioning is installed inside the cab (the size of the air conditioner is determined by the volume of the cab” There is a 220v power supply in the cab with two-phase and three-phase sockets; the ground is equipped with insulated wooden floors; the cab is equipped with a fire extinguisher.

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